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Timeline of LGBT history in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia

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Timeline of LGBT history in the United Kingdom

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  4. Timeline of LGBT history in the United Kingdom.
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It was also assumed that lesbianism occurred in an extremely small pocket of the female population. In the post-war period, transgender identities started to become visible. Cowell continued her career as a racing driver and published her autobiography in Meanwhile, a significant rise in arrests and prosecutions of homosexual men were made after World War II.

Many were from high rank and held positions within government and national institutions, such as Alan Turing , the cryptographer whose work played a decisive role in the breaking of the Enigma code. This increase in prosecutions called into question the legal system in place for dealing with homosexual acts. The Report of the Departmental Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution, better known as the Wolfenden Report, was published in , three years after the committee first met in September It was commissioned in response to evidence that homosexuality could not legitimately be regarded as a disease and aimed to bring about change in the current law by making recommendations to the Government.

The Wolfenden Report recommended that 'homosexual behaviour between consenting adults in private should be no longer a criminal offence'. Backed by the Church of England and the House of Lords, the Sexual Offences Act partially legalised same-sex acts in the UK between men over the age of 21 conducted in private. Scotland and Northern Ireland followed suit over a decade later, in and respectively.

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The Sexual Offences Act represented a stepping stone towards equality, but there was still a long way to go. The GLF protested in solidarity with other oppressed groups and organised the very first Pride march in which is now an annual event. Age of consent equality however, did not come until in England, Scotland and Wales, and in Northern Ireland. The fight for sexual equality however, was far from over. The legislation prevented the discussion of LGBT issues and stopped pupils getting the support they needed.

Section 28 was repealed in , and Prime Minister David Cameron apologised for the legislation in In the Civil Partnership Act allowed same-sex couples to legally enter into binding partnerships, similar to marriage.